UPDATE 11/8: Due to high demand, the event is sold out. But we may be able to accommodate a few more people, so please register for the waitlist on WePay (https://www.wepay.com/events/taiwanesebreakfast) . Walk-in registration will not be available.
Breakfast in Taipei: 20-hour flight, $1600
Breakfast in LA: 4-hour flight, $350
Breakfast at Din Hao in Westmont: 40-minute drive, need a car
Breakfast at Tamarind, in Chicago, in the afternoon = AWESOME!
Lisa Ko, the Taiwanese owner of Tamarind, is making us breakfast!
The meal will include all of your favorites from Taiwan that you can’t get in Chicago:
碗粿 Wah Kueh (Steamed rice pudding with delicious savory topping)
油條 You tiao (Fried Donut)
花生湯 hua shen tang (peanut soup)
甜豆漿 Tian dou jiang (Sweet soybean milk)
鹹豆漿 Xian dou jiang (Savory soybean milk)
飯糰 Fan tuan (Taiwanese rice ball)
胡椒餅 Hu jiao bing (Pepper Pancake)
None of these items are on Tamarind’s regular menu, they are all special order for TAP-Chicago!!
Advance registration/payment is required so the restaurant can order the right ingredients and prepare for this special event.
Cost: Advance Ticket $16 by Fri, November 9th @ 5:00pm; $20 afterwards and at the door (if space permits). Register
***Event is limited to 50 people and entry is determined by order of payment on WePay.com, not Facebook (Facebook does not track RSVP times).
Getting there: Close to CTA Red Line Harrison or Brown/Orange/Pink Line H.W. Library stops. #2, 6, 10, 29, 62, 146 buses. Street parking possible. Also available are several pay lots under $10.
Google Map: http://tinyurl.com/614wabash
Questions? Call or email:
Shannon Sung 312.961.3883 | shannon@tapchicago.org
Philip Liou 312.961.3883 | philip@tapchicago.org