Untitled Supper Club is a contemporary revival of a classic 1920’s Prohibition-era upscale dining establishment mixed with a classic social club featuring live music and vintage cabaret-style entertainment. Untitled offers one of America’s largest Whiskey and Bourbon selection to pare with the Michelin rated food.
On top of the fine dining and networking events, Untitled will also be playing host to a burlesque show named Birthday Suit – A Celebration for Michelle L’Amour starting at 9pm. Don’t miss out! Get your ticket at Eventbrite today.
Your ticket includes:
– A Drink Ticket
– Happy Hour specials
– Free Raffle Prize Entry
– A Color coded name tag
– The Best Networking in Chicago
– FREE Burlesque Show
Please bring your business cards to distribute and for the free door prize raffle.
The event will proceed in all weather, therefore there will be no refunds.
Attendees must be 21 years or older with a valid ID.
Untitled is located behind two large, unmarked doors, in the heart of River North at 111 W. Kinzie