Come join TAP-Chicago and cute middle school students from Project Vision to clean up Chinatown’s Ping Tom Park!
Ping Tom Park was created in 1999 and spans 17 acres, 6 of which are developed. It has accumulated much trash over the years, so TAP-Chicago, Project Vision, …and CASL are teaming up to restore the park to its original state of cleanliness.
Project Vision is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide educational, professional, and interpersonal development support to the youth of Chinatown and Bridgeport. Each TAP-Chicago volunteer will get to partner up with a student during the park cleanup, the goal of which is to spark interest in mentoring/tutoring for Project Vision.
This is a FREE event!
Supplies and baked goods will be provided by CASL.
Bubble tea provided by a Chinatown establishment – TBD.